The First Noel (Night): How the Public Found Its Detroit Adventure in Noel Night, The City’s Festive Cultural Open House

Outreach archivist Meghan Courtney traces the evolution of Detroit Adventure, a coalition of cultural organizations founded in 1958 to promote cultural conversations and experiences in metropolitan Detroit. In 1973 the organization debuted Noel Night, a free holiday open house in Detroit’s cultural center. Now run by Midtown Detroit, Inc., Noel Night features: performances and family activities at Detroit’s midtown museums, churches, and venues; holiday shopping; food; horse-drawn carriage rides; and more. Courtney offers a sneak preview of the Reuther Library’s contributions to the 46th Noel Night on December 1, 2018: live labor- and holiday-themed music from our talented University Library System musicians; story time with children’s books from the ULS Special Collections department; Hanukkah games; festive archives-inspired crafts and photobooth opportunities; snacks and hot chocolate; and modern indoor plumbing. All for free!

More Information
Reuther Library Subject Focus: Detroit Adventure and the First Noel Night

Related Collections
Richard McGhee Papers
Wayne State University Office of the President Clarence B. Hilberry Records
Detroit Public Library Burton Historical Collections: Detroit Adventure Records, 1958-1980

Episode Credits
Producers: Dan Golodner and Troy Eller English
Host: Dan Golodner
Interviewees: Meghan Courtney
Sound: Troy Eller English
Music: Bart Bealmear

With support from the Reuther Podcast Collective: Bart Bealmear, Elizabeth Clemens, Meghan Courtney, Troy Eller English, Dan Golodner, Paul Neirink, and Mary Wallace

Halloween Spooktacular: Supernatural Stories from Detroit Folklore

A view of the Folklore Archive index card cabinet.

Archivist Elizabeth Clemens shares spooky stories from the Reuther Library’s Folklore Archives about Le Loup Garou, or the Werewolf of Grosse Pointe; the Ghost of Tanglewood Bridge on Detroit’s Belle Isle; hauntings at home; and a helpful witch on Detroit’s McClellan Street who fetched groceries and hung her skin on the wall.

Archivist Bart Bealmear reminds us of Gundella the Green Witch, a local personality with an advice column in Detroit-area newspapers in the 1970s and 1980s.

More Information
Folklore Fridays: Halloween Edition
Gundella, The Green Witch of Detroit Explains How to Cast Spells

Related Collections
Folklore Archive
Virtual Motor City: Mario Kuclo / Gundella the Green Witch images

Episode Credits
Producers: Dan Golodner and Troy Eller English
Host: Dan Golodner
Interviewees: Bart Bealmear and Elizabeth Clemens
Sound: Troy Eller English
Music: Cely Grande, “Scary Night (scary hip-hop instrumental)”

With support from the Reuther Podcast Collective: Bart Bealmear, Elizabeth Clemens, Meghan Courtney, Troy Eller English, Dan Golodner, Paul Neirink, and Mary Wallace